Historical map of military operation
2020 × 1480 mm (framed)
The map covers the entire theater of the war of the allied empires against Turkey in 1787-1791 and reflects the special role of A.V. Suvorov in her victorious outcome.
The map is made in the normal conic equidistant Kavraisky projection, on a scale of 1: 700,000.
All geographical names preserved the original spelling and were transferred from archival maps of the 18th century, covering the territories of the Ekaterinoslav governorship (with acquired territories), the Tauride province, the Caucasus and other lands. Details of the military operations on sea and land are shown in detail, aggregating information from historical and contemporary maps of the war.
The map is made of solid Abacha wood using automated, high-precision equipment. Hand-painted with oil paints in a grisaille color scheme.
The map relief is based on materials from modern satellite imagery SRTM, on the inset map (Battle of Rymnik) – based on materials from high-resolution ALOS PALSAR imagery.